
Vitamins are organic molecules vital to all living things, acting as catalysts in speeding up chemical reactions and assisting in various functions such as hormone synthesis, collagen formation, and calcium absorption. Vitamins are divided into two main categories: water-soluble and fat-soluble, with a total of 13 different types. Water-soluble vitamins are excreted in the urine in excess, while fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the body's fatty tissue.

In pet food, the vitamin content is sufficient to meet the nutritional needs of dogs and cats. However, do pets need multivitamin supplements? The answer to this question is not as simple as marketing claims.

Multivitamins vs. Supplements: Clearing Up the Confusion

Multivitamin products for pets are common, but supplementation is not always necessary. Some pet owners confuse the role of vitamins with food supplements. Vitamins are essential substances for the body, while supplements are additions to food that may or may not contain vitamins.

Functions of vitamins in pets

  • Vitamin A: Antioxidant, strengthens immune system, protects skin.
  • Vitamin C: Also known as ascorbic acid, it has antioxidant properties and promotes collagen production.
  • Vitamin D: An essential vitamin that regulates calcium and phosphorus. Unlike humans, dogs and cats need to get vitamin D from their diet because they cannot synthesize it from sunlight.
  • Vitamin E: A powerful antioxidant that helps fight cellular aging and prevent degenerative diseases.
  • B vitamins: This group includes several vitamins that are essential for metabolism, especially in the nervous and energy systems.

Do pets need vitamin supplements?

  • For Dogs and Cats on Complete FeedsPets on complete feeds generally do not require multivitamin supplements. However, in cases of absorption problems or vitamin deficiencies, especially in older pets, supplementation may be necessary. Supplementation is often recommended for pets eating homemade or natural diets. To learn more about natural food for dogs, you can visit this article about homemade diets .
  • Understanding Multivitamin SupplementationMultivitamin supplementation may be recommended for animals that are nutritionally deficient due to improper diet provision. To learn more about maximizing your dog’s health through different types of dog food, you can explore this informative article .

Risks of Oversupplementation

Vitamin overdose, also known as vitamin poisoning, can be a serious concern for pet owners. This usually happens with fat-soluble vitamins and is more difficult to happen with water-soluble vitamins since excess is excreted in the urine. However, the consequences can be severe.

  • Vitamin D Overdose: Vitamin D overdose is a very common example of vitamin poisoning and, when excessively supplemented, can cause hypercalcemia in dogs and cats. Due to vitamin D's role in regulating calcium in the body, responsible for calcium absorption in the intestines and deposition in bones, hypercalcemia is caused by excess calcium in the blood. This disease can cause a range of symptoms, including:

    • Excessive urination: The body attempts to eliminate excess calcium.
    • Excessive thirst: a natural response to increased urination.
    • Loss of appetite: Pets may lose interest in food.
    • Fatigue: A general feeling of tiredness or lack of energy.
    • Vomiting: A response to an imbalance in the body.
    • Constipation: Digestive problems related to calcium imbalance.
    • Weakness: The pet may appear weak or unstable.
    • Coma: In severe cases, a pet may fall into a coma.

Supplementation is necessary at certain stages of an animal's life, such as for older animals who often have insufficient nutrient absorption, pregnant and lactating dams that require more nutritional support, active animals that require greater nutritional intake, and there may be certain Animals rescued from the streets that are nutritionally deficient and puppies that are not being nursed by their mothers. Therefore, only a professional trained in animal nutrition can prescribe correct multivitamin supplementation.

Identifying vitamin deficiencies in pets

Vitamin deficiencies, also known as vitamin deficiencies, are caused by insufficient intake or malabsorption of vitamins from food. The following are some of the clinical signs that may affect animals in the presence of vitamin deficiencies:

  • Vitamin A deficiency:

    • Rapid weight loss: Animals may lose weight rapidly.
    • Muscle Weakness: Lack of strength and energy in muscles.
  • Vitamin D deficiency:

    • Abnormal bone development: especially in puppies, resulting in deformities.
    • Progressive paralysis: Loss of muscle function.
    • Reduced food intake and weight loss: Animals may eat less and lose weight.
    • Vomiting and fatigue: general signs of illness and fatigue.
  • Vitamin E deficiency:

    • Anorexia: The animal may lose interest in food.
    • Depression: Changes in behavior and decreased interest in activities.
    • Abdominal Pain Sensitivity: Pets may react strongly to abdominal touch.
  • B vitamin deficiency:

    • Reflex changes: Abnormal or exaggerated reflexes.
    • Epilepsy: Uncontrolled shaking or convulsions.
    • Anorexia: Loss of appetite.
    • Weight Loss: The animal may lose weight.
    • Asthenia: Lack of energy or enthusiasm.
    • Diarrhea and Vomiting: Digestive problems.

The clinical signs of many of these vitamin deficiencies are similar to those of other diseases and may be confused with other comorbidities. Therefore, it is crucial to take your pet to the veterinarian at the onset of any clinical signs. Only a professional can make a correct diagnosis and, if necessary, direct the correct dosage of a multivitamin for your pet.


In the complex world of pet nutrition, understanding the role of vitamins is critical to responsible pet ownership. Vitamins are vital to the overall health of our furry friends, but must be managed with care and understanding. Whether recognizing the signs of a deficiency or avoiding the pitfalls of oversupplementation, a balanced approach guided by professional advice is required.

For those considering a homemade or natural diet that may require a supplement, resources like Homemade Diets for Dogs and Understanding Different Types of Dog Foods can be extremely valuable. However, the decision to supplement should not be taken lightly, as both deficiency and excess can lead to serious health problems.

In summary, the health and well-being of our pets depends on a nuanced understanding of their nutritional needs. By staying informed, consulting with trained professionals, and recognizing signs of vitamin deficiencies and overdoses, pet owners can ensure their beloved companions live vibrant, healthy lives. The use of vitamin supplements should be based on the advice of a professional veterinarian to ensure that pets receive appropriate nutrition while avoiding potential health risks.

In the world of pet nutrition, every decision should be based on a deep understanding of and respect for your pet's specific needs. Whether choosing the right food or considering supplements, it's important to make sure these choices contribute to your pet's overall health and well-being. Through this approach, we are not only able to take good care of our pets, but we are also able to ensure that they enjoy the highest quality of life.